Flows into the white dragon bridge museum

August 02,2016


  The morning of July 31, sponsored by zhejiang province museum of nature, and the department of foreign languages college of Shanghai university of finance and economics, zhejiang jinhua city museum to undertake "dragon", zhejiang dinosaur knowledge science culture exhibition held in yulong community yips ancestral hall.The scientific and cultural knowledge exhibition attracted a lot of community residents to visit, to visit the masses said he hoped to hold various forms of popular science culture exhibition, rich grass-roots cultural life.

   The dinosaur knowledge of popular science exhibition in our province was introduced in detail in the relevant knowledge of dinosaur fossils, with pictures shows the form of more than 6000 years ago in zhejiang province condition of various kinds of dinosaurs.Jinhua city museum announcer for the exhibition to the masses are introduced in detail the life of dinosaurs, climate and food on the distribution of the dinosaurs, as well as the settlement of the different region of zhejiang province dinosaurs.Volunteers from the department of foreign languages college of Shanghai university of finance and economics, zhejiang students residents to distribute the dinosaur science manuals, illustrated in this paper introduces the small dinosaur species such as knowledge, especially for the community residents in primary and middle school students an interesting good science literacy class.The white dragon bridge town will continue to expand the bulls, to build at the grass-roots level as the breakthrough point, to attract more and better style activities into the community, to the field, enrich the masses amateur cultural life, play the white dragon bridge town loudly and harmonious happiness.




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